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IUCN Local Action Summit

Thursday, 7 October 2021

R20 took an active part in the IUCN Local Action Summit. The Summit was organised to showcase and galvanise the efforts of subnational governments and their partners to deliver positive conservation outcomes. It has made the case for investing in nature-based solutions as part of a green recovery.

IUCN recognises the critical role of subnational governments in the sustainable development agenda and is committed to partnering with them in pursuit of “a just world that values and conserves nature.” Several IUCN Resolutions (e.g., WCC 2020 Res 067) and the new Nature 2030 IUCN Programme provide a clear political mandate for this work.

In alignment with the Edinburgh Process and pertaining Edinburgh Declaration, the IUCN Local Action Summit has build momentum towards the adoption of a renewed and strengthened ‘Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity’ at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Kunming China, 11-24 October 2021.
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