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R20 and ISWA, the International Solid Waste Association, renewed their MOU for a new era of cooperation in accelerating the building of sustainable waste management infrastructure

Monday 11 April 2022

R20, with its new flagship initiative: the Subnational Climate Fund (the SCF), a blended finance impact fund formed to pursue attractive risk-adjusted returns for private investors while generating measurable and certified climate, environmental and social impacts, has concluded with ISWA an updated MoU that aims to accelerate the building of sustainable waste management infrastructure, especially in countries where landfilling and dumping of waste is a common practice.

The partnership will take concrete actions to identify infrastructure projects, provide technical assistance to help prepare projects to the point of bankability, as well as capacity building to key stakeholders. The SCF will consider investing with private equity in projects that are bankable and create sizable climate and other SDG impacts.

“The MoU with R20 is another step in seeking the right partners for accelerating the building of sustainable waste management infrastructures and thus contribute to the fight against climate change.” – Marc Tijhuis, Managing Director ISWA
“The MOU with R20 strengthens a partnership with focus in generating positive results on the ground and brings an added value to our network of members and experts. On behalf of ISWA I’m very happy to endorse such initiative.” – Carlos Silva Filho, ISWA President

About ISWA:

The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) is an international network of waste professionals and experts from around the world whose mission is to promote and develop sustainable and professional waste management worldwide and the transition to a circular economy. ISWA brings together waste experts from around the world to network, create best practices, produce industry reports, as well publish our own scientific journal: Waste Management and Research. We are a platform that allows our members to share and curate knowledge among their peers.

About R20:

R20 is a non-profit foundation for climate and development with an expertise on
providing support to sub-national governments around the world to develop and
finance low-carbon and climate resilient infrastructure projects in the fields of
renewable energy, energy efficient lighting and waste optimization.

The Subnational Climate Finance initiative (SCF) invests in mid-sized ($5-$75m USD) infrastructure projects, including sustainable energy, waste and sanitation, regenerative agriculture, and nature-based climate solutions. We partner primarily with subnational authorities to identify and implement these projects, financed with a blend of concessional and conventional capital, along with Technical Assistance grants that help mitigate risk and ensure financial and environmental goals are achieved.
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